“Learn with Me”
Working with a nonprofit organization, it was quickly realized there is a gap in education when it comes to preschool. During the research phase, it was found that on average it costs 12,000 dollars a year for preschool education for a single child. In an attempt to allow for preschool education for all, Preschool in a Box is created. This allowed for parents to take preschool to their home creating an affordable way for their kids to learn. This box would circulate every 3 months giving each preschooler 4 boxes through the year. The idea consisted of two main parts. The hub and the box.
In collaboration with: Sydney Sanders & Jenna Schwartze
Date of Completion: 2018
Role: Photographer, Lead Designer
Program Used: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe XD
Preschool in a Box
The Box
The box consists of four main components.: the morning board, the quiet play busies, the worksheet workshop and the circle time pack. The morning board assists with addressing a daily conversation with the preschooler. The quiet play busies are six different boxes that focus on gross motor skills while learning and playing quietly. The worksheet workshop focuses on kindergarten readiness. Lastly, the circle time pack is adult guided conversations aiding to preschoolers vocabulary and engagement.
The Hub
The hub is a mobile platform designed to provide resources to more curriculum, facilitate community events, and to support caretakers